Wylder West Series

Titles part of the Wylder West Series created by The Wild Rose Press

    Younger & Wylder is a prequel in The Wylder West series by the Wild Rose Press. Multiple authors contribute to create the fictional town and residents of Wylder, Wyoming.



     “Think of me as a wise older brother.”
            “Wiser than who? You’d better not say me. You’re the one saddled with a wife you don’t want.”
            She wasn’t wrong in her assessment. “How about an older brother, then?”
            She eyed him up and down. “So’s I can marry someone else someday when boys come a courtin?”
            Regret filled him. He’d trapped them both in his hasty rescue. “We’re still a few years off from worrying about that. We’ll ford that river when we get to it.”
            Millie slumped in her seat. “I’m sorry for ruining yer life.”
            “It was already ruined and, on its way to getting worse. You most likely saved my life and gave me something to live for the next few years. Maybe by the time you’re grown, I’ll have figured out what to do with the rest of it.”
            Race sighed. “I didn’t want to see you misused. You reminded me of my—” But she didn’t really remind him of Mary Catherine at all. Technically, he was old enough to have fathered her. His stomach turned, renewing the nausea he’d been battling all morning. “You remind me of my friend’s little sister. I didn’t like the look of Mr. Monroe. Not that you were given a choice, but it was him or me.”
            She thought on this for a moment, then said, “I thank you, I s’pose, but I don’t know you either. If I’m not to act like your wife, what am I supposed to do?”
“Why’d you marry me then, if you didn’t want a wife?”






Cavalry officer, Major James Tucker looks forward to becoming a regular citizen and restarting his law practice in Boston, but the needs of the U.S. Cavalry always supersede the wants of the individual and Tucker must clean up trouble in Wylder before he can separate from service. Trouble in the form of a falsely accused Lakota boy and his wildly independent half-sister has him wondering if the plans he’s made are truly still the desires of his heart.

Daughter of a prostitute, Estelle returns to Wylder, the place of her birth, to rescue her brother and discover the identity of her birth father. She comes to trust Tucker with her brother’s safety, but Estelle’s reluctance to trust her heart jeopardizes her own safety when her nightmare comes to call.


“You may dress like a man, but that doesn’t mean you can defend yourself like one. Why are you traipsing around like you stole some trapper’s clothes off the line anyway? Did no one ever teach you how to behave like a lady?”

She sucked in a breath sharp enough to rival an offended church lady. With no thought at all, she hooked her ankle around the major’s legs and toppled him to the ground in a most unladylike fashion. In hindsight, she knew she never would have accomplished it if he’d been expecting an attack. Before he could get up, she placed a booted foot on his shoulder and leveraged herself up onto his horse’s saddle. She prayed the beast was merely misunderstood and not actually dangerous as she jerked the reins from the major’s hands. A brief glance confirmed he'd already rolled away and was rising to his feet.

She made a clicking sound. “Yah!” Demon took off like a shot. Estelle looked over her shoulder at a dusty, fuming Major Tucker.