Penny Gothic

 A Romance of Fictitious Proportions

 What readers said:

"I loved it! Great twist on a “time jumping” story! Romance & Adventure with a dose of mystery sprinkled in for a quick and entertaining read!" -Amazon customer

"Short, quick read, but it packs a punch. I really enjoyed this quirky story. A surprisingly unique story in a day when everything has been visited numerous times. Looking forward to the sequel!" -Author, Susan Kite

"Shelley White has made her first book a charming glimpse into the life of a young used bookseller who. finds herself entering into the storyline of any book she chooses to read. Easy to read with no graphic sex or violence. I certainly hope there is, at least, a second book to continue on this delightful premise." -Amazon customer



"She is mine, and I will kill you or any other who attempts to dissuade me! "The margrave tightened his hold on my waist, causing me to grunt.

"Penelope? Are you unharmed?" Culver asked, then shook his head, as if trying to knock something loose. He then turned all his attention on my captor. He put his hands out in front of him in a placating manner.

"You're hurting her, man. Just let her go and we can sit down and talk about this."





He continued, "We're all a little worked-up and emotions are high right now. I know you'd hate yourself if you accidently pricked her with your sword, there."

I wasn't quite sure what was going on, other than Culver had misplaced his script. The margrave seemed a bit confused as well, and had thankfully lowered his sword slightly.

At his point, Culver slowly moved his right hand to his hip, glancing down when he didn't encounter the weapon he was looking for. He changed direction and reached for the sword on his left hip. On the second attempt, he succeeded in pulling it from its scabbard and held it inexpertly aloft.

Something had happened to Culver. He wasn't Lieutenant book-guy anymore, at least not totally. I'd watched enough cop shows to recognize when someone was reaching for a gun, not a sword. The fore-written sword fight was about to happen, and Lieutenant No-Longer Culver was not prepared. I could think of only two possible outcomes.